This gallery is an extension of my portfolio; it's a curated space where I present the aesthetics of my projects. You’ll find a collection of screenshots, UI/UX designs, and other visuals that highlight my approach to software development. Project pictures of deployment and code snippets where applicable. Updated: 04/24
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This project was a learning experience. I didn't really know about any frameworks and ended up achieving very little with a lot of HTML and CSS code. The cost for this website is $0, plus $0.03 for the OpenAI API cost. I decided to make the GitHub page as professional as possible despite the project's quality and size.
Effort to utilize Tailwind CSS to achieve a modern look. The site has very minimal functionality, as it was more of an exercise to learn the framework and improve visual elements. I made the GitHub repository as official as I could. The total project cost is $0.
Builds on the design foundations of the previous projects, integrating interactive content cards and enhancing styling. This effort was essentially a combination of the two previous sites, as I ended up writing a significant amount of styling and animations. Although this introduced a potentially unnecessary amount of code, it allowed interactive experience. Like the previous projects, I made the GitHub repository as official as I could. The total project cost remains at $0.
Suckless dwm Gentoo dotfiles and workstation. The images highlight system-wide color schemes for the Farout and Poimandres editor themes, respectively. This project focuses on personalizing the user interface and user experience to be as minimal and visually pleasing for myself as possible. Like previous projects, this customization was documented and shared on GitHub. This project fits well in to my theme utilizing free utilities for every dependency.
React app that digitizes a long-format card game, inspired by a friend's family tradition, using a Node.js backend. I'm very glad I didn't write this in TypeScript, because now I know why I would have wanted to do exactly that. Currently, the game operates as a local network demo and is in ongoing development. The project is documented on GitHub, where I've made the best effort to write documentation for the codebase that's still in development
TypeScript-based Next.js AI app that processes PDFs by incorporating their content into prompts. This app is in continuous development and operates as a prototype. Documentation and development environment details are maintained on GitHub, ensuring a professional setup at no extra cost.
This project is the foundation for a minimalist programmable calculator. sort of a passion project for me...
Custom Gentoo setup, and a personal installation script. Sources maintained on GitHub for showcase and ensuring the setup is easily accessible all at no extra cost.
Terminal-based OpenAI chat application developed in Rust. Responsive and secure command-line interface for interacting with OpenAI's models. The application is designed to function in a terminal environment, providing a straightforward user experience for communication with AI. As with previous projects, all development details and documentation are maintained on GitHub, with no additional cost incurred.
This project is yet to be documented!